Sunday, January 1, 2012

Celiac symptoms?

Hi guys, I'm hoping that someone can give me insight into what I've been feeling lately. Since around late may of last year I've been getting these strange & annoying symptoms. In late march I got an ear infection (I think water in the ear), took some antibiotics, and was ok. Then I started getting tension headaches, indigestion, and then the stomach issues started. At first, I kept having to go to the bathroom after eating. Then sometimes I wouldn't need to go at all after eating. Then I started getting "attacks" of diarrhea (occasional) that was filled with mucus, sometimes it would be bloody. When I'm about to get these attacks, I always feel a gurgling in my rectum. It looks like fat or something, and sometimes it floats on the water. I get indigestion/heartburn everyday. I always get gurgling in my throat, constant burping/ping gas, painful muscles spasms/cramps (intermittent), painful mouth sores (intermittent), dizzy spells (have gotten these since 4th grade), chills, eye pain (sharp/stabbing/ dull ache), eye floaters, in june of 2007 the eye doctor (specialist) said my eyes were a little inflamed, in feb of 2008, the regular eye doctor said my eyes were fine, my clothes are getting looser (but the scale says I weigh the same. I don't lose any weight, I just stay at the same weight), shortness of breath (sometimes turning in bed or climbing stairs causes shortness of breath), rotten egg burps (1 or 2 hours before I'm going to throw up. Had this since elementary school), Fatigue (more so than usual), ataxia (not horrible, but slightly noticeable) I always find me "catching" myself lately, panic attack symptoms (rapid heartbeat, hot flashes, chills, shortness of breath), loss of appetite, other times am starving, I usually feel worse after eating, irritable moods, headaches, tingling in my extremities, uti like symptoms when on period, menstrual irregularity (has been like this since I first got my period at age 11), constipation (hard stools tend to tear my ), my allergies have been worse (stuffy nose, runny itchy eyes), last time I had my blood pressure checked the istant said it was a little low (108 over something), my celiac levels were a little elevated, as were my WBC count. I get these weird sensations in my ears like high pitched ringing or fluttering wings or something. I do have ocd an anxiety disorders, but something just doesn't feel right. Everyone just disregards me saying that it's all in my mind, or that it's just IBS. I was supposed to have an endoscopy and a colonoscopy done, But I'm paranoid about catching infectious diseases from unsterilized tools. Do any of you with celiac ever have these symptoms? Or do you think it could all be in my mind? It's just too many things to be all in my mind.

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